I took half day leave for an interview in First Base which located in serdang. I, did not feel anxious nor excited, I don know why. Is it I had gone to many interviews? Right, yest I did tried to search for this company profile during my working hours. They have too many information for me to memorise in one day. So i gave up memorise but try to understand. end up.....i went back home and did not continue searching after that, and i went to bed, slept deep n sound.
Good, after arrived there, filling up the forms....it took me half an hour to finish the form. there are some ques for me to ans behind the form. they are all related to biotech. okie, i try my best to ans...(most probably is nonsence). then i was called to a room, A lady called Angela interviewed me. In tis session, I do not speak much coz she knows from my resume. she asked me bout y u quit job..tis is the 3rd job already,actually which field i preffer. I don quite get what she mean. she said either u choose to be officer or lab tech. I was...thinking, then i ans that i like practical, i tend to 'adsorb' faster when practical than theory. then she said i suit for labtech and continue with interview regarding job scope for lab tech. After heard what she explained, in short, they are more into SOP (Standard Operation Procedure). Routines are same, procedure are fixed, have to be careful handling. tests will be given when u worked in the 1st week n 2nd week. passing mark is 80 above o.O (crazy). 3 mths probation, then if not confirmed after that, u will be kicked out. hm....strict. I dont have confident to acchive that. not much....i'm affraid!
So, ok, she asked me to consider as they need a lab tech urgently and i'll give them the ans by monday. oh, is time to choose again. I went back into car, discuss with my dad. He seems know what i'm thinking as I have no confidence. He did suggest something what I'd suggested before. He says, if I'm comfortable with this current job, I can continue, and hope me to further my study for this position also. Is not a bad idea afterall. I told my dad that I'd plan for this and wish to take part time study also in the future. Dad seems happy and said: y don't I take now? now is still the begining of the year. search more info from University, might have reasonable tuition fees. Means that I will be change my road, 180 degree different than my previous study! Dad said, is fine, u either wan degree or master, u can get double degree, u'll get better offer, business n science field! might also apply in my current work as well!!! how happy? sounds good.
ok, another deal, part time study, kind of time tide, have to be well prepare for both study n work. Can I do it? is another commitment! argh...how to choose?????any suggestion?
【照片】《Astro经典名曲歌唱大赛2024》总决赛圆满举行 陆燕萍、覃微雯成双冠军得主
2 months ago
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