Love day?

Sunday, February 12, 2012 up to Valentine's day already.. I did not get him anything, by wise i wished he could give me some thing! (I'm Cunning). Hinting... but always get rejected by, he: why all sort of presents need to buy in this day and every business shops just wanna make business?!!

What?! is this an excuses??? Don't want to buy?or where is your heart treated me last few years?
I throw him a stare and said: Why wouldn't you buy earlier before V'day ?? (and surely those shops won't get the benefit.-whispered in my heard and a bit upset)

Suddenly a few words dropped by my heart and devil keep talking: That's bad, once there is one year that you did not get anything, the following years and so on, you won't get anything forever!!! grrr.. I hate this feelings.

Why is it to have a Valentine's day? for? Perhaps is a day to gain the sweet beginning again. However, if one side struggle, the other side won't, it made pointless. Gone with the time? Somehow i wish there are some actions.. or little things that might no need to spend money with, or something he can made himself. (print your face out for me !! lol)

But, if you get a Gucci and a Prada, but he is not as Honest as you think, it would be meaningless too.

Please an angel please set me off. Please don't let me hope. He still treat me nice, in a way...
-help me take heavy things (every man shd!)
-open the heavy door (every man shd!)
-pulls chair for me to sit on ..even just a plastic chair
-pay for my food (still are)
-feed me ( really)
-he practically know what am I thinking anyway...
-give me a flying 'kiss' via phone
- Tells me everything I asked
-report to me ... etc.. most important, love with all his heart.

Though I'm not sure what do I feels anyway.
Cause he never demand anything with me. Well, I hopes he does like to spend time with me on that day will be fine. [OBVIOUS HINT] *and I'm still a demanding girl*

Love you!





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