A promising?

Thursday, September 13, 2012
Good news was, I bought a small home with him
Is this a promising to the future?
I think I'm uncertain.
Parent start presuring
while we start spending monies
and he said it is just investment

I was uncomfortable (typical taurus need 安全感)
Having many thoughts
yet not wanting a settling 'status' now
what is he thinking anyway?
out of my mind..

It's not a bad thing, as I'm do not lost in this INVESTMENT as he mention
lives as our life, just daily budget increases.

I'm the girl who likes step on step
I'm the girl prefer planing
I'm the girl who stays as comfort as possible in this comfort zone
I'm the girl who afraid of changes
I'm the girl who think of many things that doesn't happens
and when happened, all of them does not exist as i expected

I become selfish
not because I'm but because I'm afraid of getting hurt
I want to love myself more...
which cause me did not think of others
but what others think, HOW do I know?
Stand on their shoes, who knows is not what they want?

Very reluctant to think about overall
Tired and messy, hard to pleased everyone
Cause I don't even know what I want.

After another check up, I'm fine, and I can back to coffee~
But with suitable amount. Yeah~ Happy for today.
Thanks mama for accompany me today. So that I'm brave~





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