Random Feeling

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
There are a lot of things happen lately. Not only to me, but also to all the world. One of them is H1N1 flu. Sorry, I am not to explain the detail here. ahahha (not expert enough). But to remind everyone as this virus had become so serious and the second wave give big impact to the world, esp young adult/ teenagers (luckily I m not teen anymore. =P). My friends, Do take care ya!

another cases is the water falls. Not encourage ppl to swim there as these few months is raining season! Even u are the champion of the swimmers. You'll never fight with water.or next time better bring a float?

Well yest is a friend of mine birthday. Wish him Happy Birthday~~

Besides this, I wanna welcome a new people to this world. I'll love her. Muacks~~~


{ cklim } at: November 4, 2009 at 2:24 PM said...

ya, mix feeling,winter coming soon..h1n1 might become severe

{ Blur Pei } at: November 5, 2009 at 11:44 AM said...

ya...so worry~namo namo~




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