for my Most Love person

Friday, March 19, 2010
Why there are called 'mother earth', 'mother nature', 'mother tongue' but not so called 'father earth', 'father nature', or 'father tongue'?????

Because mother is the one who give birth to us. The first one to touch us, talk to us, take good care of us. The feeling and bond is so strong that no one can deny!!
Here I would like to wish mama:

Why I use Daisy flower but not cakes?

My mum's dearest name is called Daisy.
My grandfather gave her this name.
which means innocence & purity.
Innocence & purity in mind, heart and soul
Daisy also use as to confess undying love
Yes, here I would say that, grandpa gave the right name

she is the one who always shower us with loves
No matter how old we grow, her loves for us will never die.
she sacrifies everything for us
as we can see that, her career, her time, and her love.
She is the greatest person in my life

Mother, I LOVE YOU!!

Hope she having a great time with papa now. ;-)





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