
Monday, September 12, 2011
shopping day.. alone!
I'm happy what I've done
but quite heartache at the end. money flew~

finally i got this scallop shirt RM25 at time square
still i found it not so worth as the cloth is so thin.

there i match with RM15 only skirt ~
bought one for ju lee too =)
and this! I aim this dress for so long
I'm afraid it is too short, but it is not! maybe I'm not tall
is RM39.90, soft material that you no need to iron!
most important of all, it did hide all the fats (lower body part)
then make ur body in shape!
hide my tummy and panty lines~ lolz
love it.. it is best to wear in wedding dinner, when you have to eat a lot
prepare for my in coming 2 wedding invitations >.<





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