Never get a thing done

Sunday, June 2, 2013
Kinda very negative blog post here. Feeling emotionally attached.
for this past half year, I'd been growing from no where.
I tell you, I never get a thing done. At least my mum done a good mother. =)

I learned japanese, I stopped now once i got a bad result.
I always had a reason for myself. I need to prepare for studies and also work on a best situations.
However, I believe I'm not a material for study. Not even for languages.
All my languages are half hanging (pls spot my eng gramma here. )

I wanna learn make up, take up professional course, but I cant afford.
Say till no matter what, I shall learn before I die!!
HAHA.... I dono when I'll start learning. I only learned to do it for myself.

I wanna write a lot in a blog, be active, and here I'm.
not really good in wording and things to write. I do not have an exciting life.
I dono what to write except my emo thing. bleh

 Enough for negative energy to you all.
I'm glad I'm still alive and able to do or make up things.
I'm glad to have love one around me still.
Half year past like this. Only things I got is get older, but not yet richer. =P





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