The HK wax Museum

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
I have no chance to met the real Stars~
therefore I wish, at least can meet the 'part' of them
So, Wax museum had been my First Wish list to go in HK.

Thank god Ju Lee is fine with this.
well, after lunch and milk tea..
we took a great long walk to the peak tram
The journey is far and cold.
When you reached there, you'll felt is worth a while.
just one thing we both hate...
people there are crowded..
for some kids..really, we started to hate ourselves for what they behave as we are almost same race
why are they so different?
god bless...

Don't feel like to upload too many picture
so I staged~
make a collage
Andy Lau, Aren Quok, Lai Meng, Diana...even Shakespeare
(where ju lee correct me, actually I'd forget what is his name....)
lady gaga, Tiger wood, the E=MC2 inventor...Jay chou

alright, more to come!!





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