The 8th

Friday, November 8, 2013
When my peers brought up a topic as "how long you had been in a relationship with him?", I proudly answered:"8th years", then they stunt and then "wow". Right, and I knew what they will asked next: "so when it is the time to get married?" well well, always answer "soon". if only they keep persuading then I gave a face(what face? you guess then).

all these years we would remember this day had come and the day before will be wishing each other, but for this year is like, both of us forget. Until today when I'm looking at calendar when working, then I, how come this date so familiar? Then only I was... oh ya!!! *smack my face*.  Actually I remembered last 3 days ago, but I'd forgotten on the day before. Of course, he also can't remember. hahaha~ Kinda weird couple though, I thought I'll be angry at him, but I didn't.  Is this means because we are too long to be together?
Video call finally, snap quickly when he smile at me.
Roughly we wish each other via watsapp and both of us continue to work the whole day then on the night only we had a video call.  We had a long talk and I was mentioning that this is our first time anniversary where you were not in Malaysia. I'm a particular girl that hopes the spouse would contribute more time on family than work. Knowing that it is impossible when come to work, it was like no excuse. From family to friends and works, I somehow know that he spend lesser time for himself.  Sometimes I rather he spare some for himself. All these 8 years, he is always busy.  Still I'm glad that he spare time for me whatever he could.
I still love this pic~
He literally asked me, "are you regret on choosing on me?". I'm shocked, stunned for few seconds, NOT thinking for other reasons but thinking why he would asked something like this? ( I thought only girls asked this) My dear you should know the answer. =P If I would regret, I would not keep this precious relationships for 8 years together. I still can't believe when he said: I love you, my heart beats and I was stammering (口吃)!!

Lastly~ to my dear,
ll the memories have brightened again, The same day has come again, It feels nice to think again.. Thanks for coming in my life and For making the day special now and then. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

For 8 good years, we went trough a lot of things together and our bond stay stronger. This is a special day for us as if this is not the day we begins, we wouldn't had gone this far.  I wish as your wish, we will walk along together till 80 more years. hehe~

I love you.





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