Unexpected 2014

Monday, December 8, 2014
Right.. I'm not going to write my resolution of 2015...
Because I think that, without writing, surprises always come to me :)

It had good and bad surprises of cause, but I had forgotten what is the bad one. While in the process of 2014 is rather hard sometimes, however it is fine at last.

First unexpected:

I was being advised to change team after 3 years staying in same team...I was worried at first. Whether can blend into their culture, whether can cope it... etc. Still they are friendly funny ppl~! The first few weeks is hard. The next few weeks is even harder when my work buddy quit, and I have to take over. But I overcome it. :) I'm glad.
I make new friends (5mths there)

 Then 2nd unexpected:

The Boracay trip I was looking forward, turn into an engagement by my boyfie! unforgettable trip!

3rd Unexpected: there is another opportunity level for my career!! Not say that I'm not ready, but i did not thought any thing about it yet... another ladder :)

4th unexpected:  My house is done on October! I'd got our house keys and we are ready for renovation.
is too soon to be true. Another thing is will spend double...for house and marriage. Well, think twice, it is our property and we had a future!

5th unexpected, bought new phone and lucky draw..got a watch gear! :)

Here, I wished there will be more good surprises ahead.





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