
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
How many of you have Twitter account?

Frankly speaking, I do not have much friends in my twitter.
First of all, I joined twitter i think bout a year before only.
Thanks to Ju Lee, I joined twitter and I hibernating my Twitter for few months later...
till I meet an active twitter, @marccus, My Uni coursemates.
Who intro me using echofon to download an application onto my firefox.
This echofon ease me from updating my tweets and followers without need to open another window or trouble sign in again and again when opening the window to check updates.
it will pop up at the corner of firefox with the updates, it highlights the tweets mentioning to you.
just Like you opening a chat box on the corner of firefox.
You can keep update yourself without letting your superior know.:P

okie, done with my promotion on echofon.
I writing here just for some reason of how i felt about tweeting.
Most of my following tweets are my Uni course mates, and some other famous blogger.
how bout my other friends? example: college friends, secondary etc!
none of them are tweetering.not even my boyfriend. Pathetic?
NO, I could say that is my pleasure. I can type whatever I can without my parent's knowledge.(including badmouthing  :P )
Not like when I'm typing my status on my facebook.
Facebook has been so common even my whole family and relatives joining it.
Not that I have secret to hide from them or what. Just that i have not much freedom to type anything anymore.
FYI, i wont type secret on tweets and FB status or blog, so why would i no freedom?
(I understand that, every little thingy we post on network, there will be no secret anymore.with password is also useless, i keep secret to myself)

To define 'freedom' I post on my facebook.... for example:
Wishes: I forgotten to wish my aunty or cousin Happy Birthday in fb.. Mum then questioning why. Then I said:" i already sms them.". mum: It doesn't take much time of yours for just to wish them in your fb, right? =.="
seems like i get tied up with this.

Pictures: 1) I posted a night out with friends in bar, cousin notice/parent notice, and i get a GOOD advice.
2) I posted picture of me and my boyfriend. mum: wah, you want let everyone know ah? (well.. of course, if not why I post them????)
3) Bro posted pic on his facebook, where his girl's friends like to take picture closely with guys.. Mum: wah, your girl's friends so open wan? (OMG... what is the problem to do with my brother??)

In short, I joined twitter is to avoid such cases happen....

Currently i'm kinda adapt to twitter already as i feel face book is boring. I don play games, i don poke people.. (incase u seeing me asking for help at fb wall or farmville... that is my mum who using my account playing, not me.) I just shared video, upload pictures, seeing other ppl's status, comments only. (I treat fb like wei bo already) might as well i just follow people's twitter updates. So I started to ask my secondary friends join. And so they dumped me another question: So what's the differ to post a status on facebook & twitter?

I'm blank.....

My twitter account: rumtumpei


{ sandra } at: August 17, 2010 at 3:39 PM said...

same lo. now i feel fb boring d. play games n see ppl de pics n status nia. now i more like twitter. suka2 can complain there without ppl know. haha. feel can get more info from twitter tim. news is more faster in twitter. ask things also faster reply. hehe.

{ Blur Pei } at: August 17, 2010 at 3:41 PM said...

yeap, correct!

{ Rum Tum Cat } at: August 17, 2010 at 7:51 PM said...

haha go put your mommy in limited profile..limit what she can see at your fb..i think twit is better coz i have few friend follow me only =))
and yeah facebook is too "OPEN" everyone can see it..even my relative... =.=

{ Ken Wooi } at: August 18, 2010 at 10:43 AM said...

i got twitter too! unfortunately most of my personal friends dont! lol..




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