Holidays 1

Tuesday, October 2, 2012
I can hug my piggy till late morning for the continuous few days.

It's a long holidays for me (nearly a week)
but I ain't going any where
stay at home, and still I have a lots of things to do

Instead you are wondering why I can have such long holidays
1) I accumulated a huge amount of leaves
2) I accumulate esp when I work lates(OT) or part of benefits
3) I only can bring fwd 7days leaves after this year end
4) Me, changed to another company soon~ but still working the same
5) because I'm supporting China claims, China is currently having Holidays!
6) I have no money to go any where.

I started to plan my off days
Yesterday I have to clear my shit off till 10.30pm.
still OT at last.... following weeks time, i'll have to take one day leaves at least
to clear up, so not to waste my leaves
When back to work, sure a lot to cope. pathetic.

I promised.. to update blog everyday in my holidays~
ntg much. but nearly what I'd do to impress you all? perhaps....
no la, to impress myself only. hahahaha

see ya!





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