fun with crazy colleagues~

Monday, December 13, 2010
ok.. tis time let the pictures do the talking~
Saturday.. we went to sing K
with most craziest colleagues ever!
Dinner at T-bowl
sing K

she is trying hard to choose songs via remote~
my team mates~ cath cath
one family...
naclos -aka kai zai, cath-aka kai yi, me- aka kai ma(coz i m the oldest)
tis pic i laugh till so cacat
with my darling christy
all 88's baby
pretty cath~she is a good singer!

plz don look at those messy table

i have to pick up my shoes..
coz this clumsy Naclos knock down 2 glasses of water
naclos wanna hit christy..
I forgot why edi
*actually he did not really hit her..lolz*
omg.. pretty gal doing face like this~
ghost festival?
act like a mouse
I fail.. coz i dono how to do all these post =.=
young is good..
3 mice...>.<
do i look fierce?
us: when u gonna married?
cath "..."
with ping ping

ping n christy

eat at t-bowl.. where can input n output at the same time
ice lemon tea

her 'vee vee' act
best female promoter..

mushroom soup
best promoter 2~
her another favorite act...
couple toilet bowl..lolzzzzz
jk jk..
do they looks like a couple? muahaha
my dinner is 一笃屎.. lolz

we went to wangsa walk tat time
to have a movie "lelio popo"
it is such a funny drama...
I can say tat.. this is the 1st time 1 laugh that much..
Imagine, I was hungry.. but I laugh till do not need to eat.

So glad to know them





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