As 14/2 is chinese new year, we both have to gather with family.
Things begin with...a date from him
and he's late for fetching me
I'm a bit (15%)mad...but i control myself for not too over react.
called him and he says he went OUG to buy something.
Okie lo... when he reached, I did not see anything he bought
i asked him, what u bought then?
He says, nothing: is a boy thing
'A BOY THING'?! what the....that is not specific enough
(i have a bad habit. I m a curious freak, if u says something not specific enough to my questions or say half and keep half ,eg: 'u know ah, this Z ah, oops...i cannot tell" , then i'll very pissed off!)-if u dont want me to know, please don't lure me! tell me if u want to, but not half way! or else I'll kill u! Some exception is that, If u are the person I not bother much, I won't have the interest of knowing your secret any way.
back to topic.
I replied :boy thing? brief?
He: no la...boy thing la...*sweet smile back at me**
i was...30% mad...fine..if u don't tell, mayb just his computer thing which even he mention the term, i wont understand at all....
alright, so i tell him drive to somewhere, I wan Bak Kut Teh lunch for sure. Wait him till very hungry already.
After that we went for a movie and so on.
at night time, he receive a call that ask him to collect something. he answered either tonight by 8pm or next day,
again, this topic bring out. He asked me whether wanna collect now (edi 7.30pm that time) or tomorrow.
As we were in Cyberjaya, kinda impossible to make it on time.
With my 30% madness, I said tomorrow.
When I asked him the same thing, he replied: 'boy thing lar' again.
Fine~ He fetch me back and we gonna meet again the next day
The next day, we are going to Genting Highland, with his friends too
He is a bit late too...
but when he pass me the flower....

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Then I smile : Boy thing laaaa....???
He says: yala, only boy buy flower mah~
ok, my madness reduce to 0!
Yea la, girls' heart easy to melt with a bouquet of flower...
He says this flower need to order and book, that's y took so long.
I did not expect him to give me flower again as this is ald the 4th year we celebrate V'day
So, this remind me of 1st time he gives me flowers...which really killed my heart
altou it only lives for few days, but is more than enough for anything,
at least it stays in our heart forever...
For the 1st time I was holding his flower for so long, until reached gotong jaya's cable car...
and I take it in front of many ppl~ ***shy**
And for many times he wanna plan a surprise for me,
I'm the one who always find out the surprise!
For the first time he get me surprised~congratulations dear!hahaha

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***Bite you picture***
For the 1st time we took self pic by my own in front of friends too~
where we don't care others think! lol! snap snap snaps!
we still have many future First time things to do together!
Yes, for almost 5 years we both together, I still feel like I'm just in love.
this feeling is getting stronger everytime!
and we meet each other more frequently than before
Which is a sign of improvement.
I hope this never end

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I enjoy a lot with his friends.
By the time reached Genting is already 3pm.
Then we play Bowling!
we divide into 3 pairs.
Whoever losed, have to treat winners softdrinks~
each of us have 2 games!
play till my shoulder a bit pain. luckily I have my yoga...if not...
we got the 2nd place then...
then we notice something funny beside us
I saw one bangkali couple playing bowling
I not sure if they dono how to bowl a ball!
They did not know only can roll a ball one time,
they roll the ball many times untill hits the barrier!
we all Laugh till rolling on floor.
and he keep roll the ball till there are several ball on his lane
He even hits the other balls which on the same lane.
after some walk in the garden, and dinner at old town,
we heading back.
I kinda miss him as he have free one night stay at genting
while I have to come down coz I got to work on Monday!
I hate the feeling when i come back down alone.(with some of his friends too of coz)
~.~ what to do?
However, I'm still happy, coz I got to see him twice last week
and won't be meeting him for the next 2 weeks =(
miss him even today
ARGH! Back to life girl. face the reality! (keep wake myself)
Still i cant stop thinking of him everyday. -_-"
so romantic o~~~~~~~~ i also wan flower ~ haha
sweet dao...
Sweet sweet love....can get married next yr^^
miao: ask frm zn lo...
pru, u also can wan. :P
yc: cannot money..
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