What do you like bout your job?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
For fresh graduate, you would prefer work back your studied field (interest) or Money?

I think...I'm not a fresh grad any more. Base on my experience...
over the years...I'd been hesitating ... really, my life is aimless.
If you said i work for the sake of money.... sorry, my salary is still less than what you thought.

If u said I work for my interest...sorry, this present work is also not in my field of study.

so what am I still doing this job anyway?
FOr the sake of living.  For my age now...
some of my friend already married happily...(at least got ppl beside them always)
some of my friend already earn a lot! ( more than mine, at least)
some work happily
some are workaholics......etc...
but there are no friend like me. still hesitating.

Once stepped in society (am i?) I do not want to get allowance from parent.
this is what my aim is. I of course wanna support my family...but because my current salary really can't make it. (yaya, less shoping...=) ) I do support a little! (argh! still have study loan to return!)

So what I've done for all these years after graduate??
I successfully take up a lab job which....really did not satisfied me...
not only me, for also all my ex-colleagues there.
I quit job without finding a new job cause...I really have no time to search at that time.
After that, trough my friend's introduction, I'd been working here since
At first is just be temporary.. and now, seems like already one year + I'd been working here.
Don't asked me why. The reason behind is just too many!

Again I feel like quitting this job.
Found out that i have no future working on this job... I really want to work in Lab
My interest is still research lab.
My friend really make an effort to intro me a job in S'pore. (previous post)
I really appreciate...but is not the job I wanted
really I have no such courage to do so.
Others might laugh me that how stupid/stubborn am I, I just...can't
However I'm quite happy now...

After some gathering with friends, sometime reality really can't let us do what we want
then MONEY is still the priority! (i becoming money face d!)
My parent have 0 income now. Things can be easy now, but not in the future.we have to look far far, right?
Is time for we, the kids (bro n i) to do something.
my bro had taken part time job (starting only)
I really wish to bare the burdens from my parent. (at least 30%?)
I need to be healthy always (keep away from medical fees and so on)
I need to be strong physically and mentally.
Then i decided to put my 'interest' aside.

These are my thoughts:
1) I only have half year experience in lab
base on market demand, my experience in lab still 0, Basic salary for fresh grad/no experienced is 1.6k only...

2) I have already work as admin cum account for one year +
compare to lab, I have more experience in admin, although I'm not expert or studied in this field.
base on my friend's suggestion, I can get more than that...

3) no SALES please... =.=" I'm not sociable enough! 

Pathetic! My options will be money now.

Dear readers, How do you think? Money or interest???
what do you like bout your job now?


{ rumtum tigger } at: April 13, 2010 at 12:08 PM said...

dont think i'm in the right position for any advise >_<

but money somehow is more imp (to me) but then its hard to keep the current job even if it provides a stable income

continue looking is all i can say. at least u hv an income :)

hugs <3

{ TianChad田七摄影 } at: April 13, 2010 at 12:18 PM said...

If you said your option is for money now, go to Singapore~!

Must remember to keep climbing up ya

{ cklim } at: April 13, 2010 at 2:19 PM said...

my career gv me both, although it is challenging, but passion, commitment and prolonged interest in overcoming famine issue, drive me on.

{ yeekai5 } at: April 13, 2010 at 2:46 PM said...

@agreed to chad,hopping to better from time to time..BUt do take into consideration of income differ n responsibility behind.no point hop to place u feel uncomfortable/ not interested with. proper time n financial management should be practiced,i think u should sit down n reshuffle ur 5 years plan.
don give excuses saying u don have time,everyone have a fair 24 hour to spend daily, quote u an example: ck lim wake up at 5am (everyday include weekend) to read/reply emails breakfast n pang sai, then went lab or do teaching in skol, nite time cook/dinner n pak tor with his jornal/review/result analysis at nite...he cut down his time on fb/twitter nor watching drama/movie,he can do it,seriously i cant, but i learn, my suggestion is u learn from him as well, to get ur urself organized.cheers :)

{ yeekai5 } at: April 13, 2010 at 2:46 PM said...

@agreed to chad,hopping to better from time to time..BUt do take into consideration of income differ n responsibility behind.no point hop to place u feel uncomfortable/ not interested with. proper time n financial management should be practiced,i think u should sit down n reshuffle ur 5 years plan.
don give excuses saying u don have time,everyone have a fair 24 hour to spend daily, quote u an example: ck lim wake up at 5am (everyday include weekend) to read/reply emails breakfast n pang sai, then went lab or do teaching in skol, nite time cook/dinner n pak tor with his jornal/review/result analysis at nite...he cut down his time on fb/twitter nor watching drama/movie,he can do it,seriously i cant, but i learn, my suggestion is u learn from him as well, to get ur urself organized.cheers :)

{ Blur Pei } at: April 13, 2010 at 3:58 PM said...

you are right TC, perhaps I shd take sg's job, yet is not interested with the job like what yk said. (sure u feel weird since i said my option is money.)

again, dilemma. Really, i wish i could find a job like ck, which he feels passion with even it took a lot of his personal time (no time sleep n kao lui).But he felt happy and content.

Yk, u really sound like my dad. hahaha... become uncle d. What u said is really true. Have to cut down my eyes on monitor. Doing something I really interested rather than watch movie/online whole day.

aiks...should organize my time d.

{ Rum Tum Cat } at: April 13, 2010 at 11:47 PM said...

sometime we canot choose what we wanted..is the situation 'force' us to choose. like me now..is my situation forcing me to go for money instead of others. so its really depend on u. moreover, interested can 'become' money. for eg. Delectable cake house ~ the gal is engineer at first..then go to baking ind. she stil can succeed! so do u =))

all the best darling


{ Rum Tum Cat } at: April 13, 2010 at 11:49 PM said...

interest can** =.=




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