I got to post something before my weekdays begin
A bit lazy to update blog nowadays, this is because my working hour extended compare to my previous job.
Yeap, just extended an hour, but an hour can make me write a blog post already.
Yesterday I went to Gold Coast. A big disappointment but I glad we made it there, esp with him =)
Today, I woke up super early for my yoga class. Then have a breakfast with wc.
Still my slight headache not yet gone(It always happens when period is nearly finished).
Weird is that I still can do my head stand this morning. Ha ha...
Things work out fine, I thought today would be a fine day for me to chase those drama I missed out
or maybe have a short nap after lunch... Things happens not in the way I expected...
My Pc don't know why.. cannot switch on at all. I suspect the power cord spoil?
Right, My brother is not in. I took mum's lappie and using it in my parent's room...
Again, I don't know why I was in such a bad Mood. Because our house plugs is quite limited...
other empty places was just not so 'private' for me. I mean, I don't have my own place to watch my movies or a quiet place to write a blog. (even no quiet place for me to sleep?.. I better stop complaining before all the African kids come and kill me).
I was writing a blog in my parent's room, I understand that my parent need their room to change or other sort of things. Somehow I don't feel like it when my dad shout at me (maybe he is just voice out loud a bit, idk) just because wan me to shift place. When I answered him that I do not have place to plug in...
as in, Living room's plug, occupied by dad's laptop, tv; my room's, brother's laptops is charging; my grandma is sleeping in her room. Please don suggest kitchen. Dining place are with foods.. Great. And he said I am LAZY to change place or think of a way to solve... I don't know why again, i'm so sensitive towards :Lazy. The fact is that I am not lazy, is because no where for me to plug!!!
Feeling frustrated and up set a little, then, Kw called just in time. Very smart that he is able to 'detect' my mood after hearing my voice, although he just wake up from bed. I felt so touched a little bit, a drop of tear flow out on the corner of my eyes. Tear of joy perhaps. I told him I was not in good mood might be my PMS and my headache... all made my day. Due to some reason, he is free the whole day, he suggest he'll cook a herbal soup, 'pat zhan' (soup esp for women after period) for me if I would like to drive down to Cyberjaya.
Are you kidding me? of course I Love to. I can avoid my parent and occupied his space. Muahaha.... I went there straight away after lunch, while he went out to buy chicken for the soup(yes, he can cook). I'm so happy to be there, he let me watch my drama, while he preparing and he came in to sleep, while I still continuing my drama. Is a win win situation that, he can get enough rest, I can done what i want.
Today is a Soupy Sunday!! Cause I used to hate 'pat zhan' soup of what my mum's cooking, and after I tried his soup, I eventually drank about 2 bowls of 'pat zhan'. It is delicious!!!! I don't like 'pat zhan' not because it is bitter, is due to 'something' my mum added that make the soup so weird. His one is absolutely no problem! He actually shocked when I drank all... (even held up the bowl and drank.) So, he really change my appetite. God, he made me so love him pulak. ^.^
I started to love Mondays.... pray that I love Monday a lots and forever...
【照片】《Astro经典名曲歌唱大赛2024》总决赛圆满举行 陆燕萍、覃微雯成双冠军得主
3 months ago
my pc also broken, can on but nothing show up on the monitor. last time once also like that, i thought all my files would gone, xia dao me, and duno what happened, after send to repair,yuan lai is just the network card rosak. a stupid guy at another computer shop told me i need to change my motherboard which cost me duno how many hundreds wtf. end up i spent less than rm50 gao dim.
icic.. must find a trusted person
dear, my soup can let love me so much ar... ic, tat morning u really unhappy... lucky i can make u happy at last...
yes dear =) u made me happy x3
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