1. Go for a bike ride *check*
2. Go to a school footy game *check*
3. Do a jigsaw puzzle
4. Go to a theme park
5. Go fruit picking
6. Go horse back riding
7. Go roller blading
8. Do a crossword
9. Have a picnic
10. Make birthday cards *check*
11. Bake biscuits for the family
12. Go to a free concert *check*
13. Volunteer your time to a worthy organization *check*
14. Take your grandparents out to dinner at a fast food restaurant
15. Take a walk on the beach *check*
16. Take the dog for a walk
17. Have a scavenger hunt
18. Watch your favourite Disney movie *check*
19. Do homework together *check*
20. Play beach volleyball
21. Make a candlelight dinner
22. Paint your room
23. Visit your local nursing home
24. Dye each others hair
25. Go fishing
26. Play on the swings at the park
27. Eat something new *check*
28. Do karaoke *check*
29. Tie-due t-shirts
30. Play in the leaves
31. Pretend your 6 again
32. Go to a g-rated movie
33. Have a water fight*check*
34. Wash dads car
35. Paint a picture
36. Visit sick people in hospital
37. Have a pizza party
38. Colour in a colouring book
39. Read the Sunday comics
40. Have a burping contest
41. Play charades
42. Prune a tree
43. Learn yo-yo tricks
44. Learn a new language
45. Visit the RSPCA
46. Take a boat ride
47. Play ‘play station’
48. Visit kids in a hospital ward
49. Go to the zoo
50. Talk *check*
51. Play ‘putt putt’
52. Fix lunch for some elderly folk
53. Read 1 Corinthians 13 (the love chapter in the bible)
54. Go ten pin bowling *check*
55. Go to maccas in formals
56. Watch and old flick
57. Volunteer at a crèche (church)
58. Get your photos taken at a photo booth *check*
59. Invent a new game
60. Take a kick-boxing class
61. Go to the uni theatre
62. Surf the web *check*
63. Arm wrestle *check*
64. Go on a group date*check*
65. Learn how to juggle
66. Take ballroom dancing classes
67. Go grocery shopping for your parents
68. Play soccer with the family
69. Make a present for your mothers
70. Surprise your parents by cleaning the house
71. Buy a disposable camera and take photos of yourselves
72. Assemble something without instructions
73. Read children’s books
74. Go antiquing
75. Play ball without the ball
76. Go to a museum *check*
77. Play army
78. Look at clouds and see what you can make them into
79. Budget a $5 dinner **gonna try this
80. Pick a dandelion bouquet for your mothers
81. Make rock videos
82. Read a magazine *check*
83. Jog around the neighborhood
84. Go shopping together *check*
85. Baby-sit younger children for parents
86. Bake muffins
87. Do a finger painting
88. Make up a song and sing it to each other
89. Write a poem for each other
90. Make popcorn
91. Build sandcastles or a snowman
92. Plant some flowers
93. Get involved at school or church
94. Make a gift for a friend
95. Watch the video ‘the price tag of sex’*half check* lol
96. Blow bubbles in the park
97. Mow the lawn for the family
98. Door knock for red cross, blue nurses etc
99. Go bushwalking with friends
100. Go for a historical walk in your town *check*
101. Go to a day-care centre/ pre-school and volunteer your time
credit to Cassie
【照片】《Astro经典名曲歌唱大赛2024》总决赛圆满举行 陆燕萍、覃微雯成双冠军得主
2 months ago
95. Watch the video ‘the price tag of sex’*half check* lol
kekeke so bad ar u two
o.O what a list!
wow, hope u checked all the items on ur list eventually ..cheers
cat: is half check...!
tigger: list copy from miao miao
Ck: haha..thanks. but some schooling thing cannot be return back.
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